Comfort Zone
It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Actually, it really is. Earlier, it was a perfect May afternoon, which I had the opportunity to appreciate on my way to work. My day off on Sunday having been mostly a day for chores around the house and an abundance of that, oh so rare, commodity – sleep. As I wind down (hopefully) this season of grinding overtime, I’ve come to understand a little more about myself. Some of this has to do with increased intrinsic value of spare time, something I used to take for granted. There’s also the holding fast to what I call “comforts”, like a child holds on to that special teddy bear or tattered security blanket. Now, when I wake up and see my aging poodle, McGhee, looking for attention in the form of a rubbed tummy, I find myself looking into those curious eyes and saying to myself “Hey guy, stick around for a while, huh? When I get home, tonight, I’ll give you a taste of my ice cream when it’s time for bed and little light reading before sleep. Just be here when I get back. Promise?” Of course, he promises (anything for a taste of ice cream). So here it is, 3 hours before I’m scheduled to leave work and this cacophony of forklift driven boxes of technology. Then I’m home. To see McGhee. And to have a little ice cream.
It doesn't get any better than sharing ice cream with a dog.
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