Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It's All ComingTogether

Another good writing day for NaNoWriMo. I'm keeping to my 3,000 word a day schedule, in order to get back in the running. It's working out just fine. All the plot holes have been patched and all the loose ends have been tied. Now, it's just one nice revelation after another. I've gotten past the point where I say to myself "just another 500 words" to the point where I don't want to stop at any one point because I want not only to finish a train of thought, but start the next one. Good times. At work, we're on overtime till the Thanksgiving holidays. That doesn't leave much time for anything else but writing and bodily functions. When December gets here, I suspect that I will suddently be faced with free time that I used to waste. I bet I'll start filling it with more valuable pursuits.


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Cullen Waters said...

3000 words a day!? My God, man! Yor make me feel slooooooooow.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

I wish I could do a consistent 3000 a day. I tend to do 2000 and feel happy with that. (My goal is to have word count be double the date.)

At 8:07 AM, Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

I wish I could do a consistent 3000 a day. I tend to do 2000 and feel happy with that. (My goal is to have word count be double the date.)

At 8:07 AM, Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

ARGH I hate my PC. Sorry about the double post.


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