Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh No !! Not Monkey Woman !!

On “Who Wants to be a Superhero?” they eliminated Monkey Woman. Well. Now I only have a small vested interest in how the show turns out. It’s like watching “American Idol” and having a relative tossed off in the preliminaries. What now? Do I attach myself emotionally to another character? Is that healthy? Was the deal with Monkey Woman healthy? Still, it’s a good show, so I’ll continue to watch. Not to harp on Monkey Woman, but I did agree with Stan’s reasons for getting rid of her. She was compromising the “integrity of the show”. Whatever that is. If she had somehow won and was subsequently turned into a comic, I’d buy every issue. Sad, when you think about. I’m turning 50 on the 26th. But that’s a whole other crisis.

Today, my stepdaughter, Rhiannon, starts back to school. She’s been doing the home school deal, so this is a pretty stressful leap for her. Not only that, but it will be in a Jr. High School\High School setting which is vastly different from her experiences in Elementary School. I don’t envy her.

I still haven’t gotten around to see “Descent”, yet. Hopefully by the end of this week, I’ll have the time and opportunity. I’m meeting with the estranged wife, Cheryl, to discuss a new joint business adventure. That should be interesting. As I told her, this weekend, I love my job but I can’t see retiring in Production even if it is in a management position. I’m just praying for a lack of chaos that seemed to permeate all of our previous business ventures. It’s amazing that now that we are working apart from one another, we seem to be doing so much better. This confirms what I have always maintained. That marriage (successful ones, at least) is more of a business proposition than what traditional concepts would lead one to believe. It’s easier to love a good business partner than the person you live with, while attempting not to get on each other’s nerves.

50, eh? As my good friend Paul mentioned - 50, today, is like 35 a few decades ago. Just one of the thousands of reasons why everyone needs good friends. More later…


At 12:54 PM, Blogger Cullen Waters said...

I started feeling old when I was 19. Now I feel ancient. Which is damn stupid, I know, but I can't help it...

At 3:04 PM, Blogger hbrennan said...

Not to worry - in a few years, it'll all be a blur and totally beyond one's comprehension. At one point, your mind will totally reject the concept of ageing and by the time the reality hits you, your mental abilities will hit the skids and you'll forget what the hell it was that you were worried about in the first place. Then you die. Feel better?

At 10:10 PM, Blogger BeckoningChasm said...

I'm way past old and into primordial. Still, we're all lucky that the popular celebrities keep aging along with us, so that the bar keeps getting raised for "too old to bother with."

Many congrats on the century mark, if I'm tied up when the date rolls around (darn those ninjas anyway).

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Cullen Waters said...

No. :-(



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